Well, this might sound like a weird question, but manners are not as stable and constant as we think. Each culture, and even subculture, have different manners, making what is polite and what isn't vary drastically.
In some cultures, for example, it is polite to shake hands strongly, to show you are determined and dedicated. This same gesture, in the Philippines, may scare them like you're crushing their arm.
Let´s check some of the differences around the world.
Greeting - Handshake, Bow, or Wave?
As you probably know, greeting someone can vary a lot between cultures. It may show how personal space is in that culture. So, when in contact with another culture, observe what they do and try to fit in.
In some religions, like Muslims and Orthodox Jews, it is inappropriate for a man and woman who are not family related to touch each other, like shake hands. They avoid touching each other as long as possible.
In America, a handshake is constantly appropriate. While in Asian cultures, a bow is more respectful. They wouldn't be offended if you wave or extend your hand, they might guess you're from a different culture, but not be offended.
But Greeks would be very offended if you wave your hand with the palm facing out. In their culture, showing your palm is an offensive gesture.
Wanna wave your hand or do a stop sign? Do it with your palm facing in, like royalty. They will understand and not be offended.
Etiquette at the Table
Food is diverse around the world, so it is the manners at the table.
In some countries, you eat with chopsticks, while others may use a fork and a knife. You may even eat with your bare hands in some places, wherein others touching the food is disgusting and impolite, you have to use a knife and a fork.
Take a look at this video to understand the differences in eating around the world:
Also how you behave on the table is determined by each culture. In China, for example, cleaning your plate doesn't show politeness. Actually, it would be bad manners of the host if he/she doesn't refill it. It is better to leave a portion of food on your plate to show that you appreciate their generosity.
How we sit also varies around the globe. In Japan, sitting with your legs crossed is not appropriate in meetings, it is considered very casual and improper, so avoid it.
In the Middle East, showing the sole of your feet is considered an insult, even if you're just resting your feet or taking a nap.
Why should I be aware of these differences?
Even if you don't travel around so much, soon or later you will get in touch with someone of a different culture. This first encounter can result in shock and misjudgments, and getting to know the topics of your culture that may get in shock to theirs can reduce the misjudgments and problems of understanding.
It is common to believe that the way we live is the only way; but the more we get in touch with foreigns, the more we understand that exist multiple ways of doing things. This experience will enlighten you on how our lives are shaped by cultural rules and paradigms.
Outsiders sometimes see things more clearly than insiders.
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